Imagine having been in the Itria Valley several times now. You’ve visited all the main attractions nearby, but you don’t want to go to the beach, or perhaps it’s still not the season. Maybe you’re looking for something to do on a rainy day, or you have teenagers who get bored easily and want to try new things. Well, here is our personal list of activities that you might like to book and experience:
✅Create your own stone or resin souvenir with the local art designer Pino Incredix in his atelier in the countryside of Locorotondo. For info: [email protected] Tel: +39 -338 916 0581 Instagram: @pino_incredix ✅Kokedama workshop, a Japanese art form that involves creating moss balls with live plants inside. For info: [email protected] Tel: 393914760412 Instagram: @kokedamamiamor ✅Tafting workshop, a textile technique that consists of inserting yarn into a fabric base creating loops or cut tassels, without knots. For info: [email protected] Tel: 393914760412 Instagram: @rughe_lab ✅ Pottery workshop - make apulian ceramics on the potter's wheel with the master Fabio Lenti on the beautiful rooftops of Monopoli city. For info: [email protected] Tel: +39 348 664 1034 Instagram: @fabiolenti_ceramiche
GENIUS LOCI è la mostra d'arte visitabile fino al 20 luglio 2021 all'interno della Torre Civica di Cisternino, proprio di fronte alla chiesa Madre.
Le opere esposte sono dei giovani artisti Damiano Azzizia, Fabrizio Riccardi e Domenico Ruccia a cura di Francesca Arpino da un progetto di Alberto Vannetti. ORARI: lunedì CHIUSO Martedì-Domenica 11:00-13:00 e 17:30-22:00 (con partite dell'Italia in corso, fino alle 20:30) DOVE: Torre Civica Normanno Sveva - via S.Quirico 1, Cisternino From 24th April till 04th November 2018 the towns of Martina Franca, Ostuni and Mesagne will host an exhibition with several works by Pablo Picasso. "Picasso, l'altra metà del cielo" (Picasso, the other half of the sky) aims to explain the female universe seen by Picasso and the works of some of the artists that loved and worked with him. It won't only be exposed the works of the Spanish master but also artists like Françoise Gilot, muse of the artist and his life's partner for ten years; and some works by Dora Maar, an eclectic artist who lived a passionate story with Picasso. Overall, the works will be more than 300 including unique works and graphics by Picasso, Gilot and Dora Maar, plus a hundred original photographs by Edward Quinn, well-known American photographer as a testimony of the time when Picasso dedicated himself to ceramics. The exhibition will also host some photos of Robert Capa, as well as a series of photographs of all those who portrayed Picasso while he was at work.
We are very much looking forward to it, a great opportunity for our territory and an example that with commitment great results can be achieved. Metti una calda sera d'estate, la voglia di ballare e la ricerca di un'autenticità perduta. La festa della Contrada di San Salvatore aspetta tutti stasera 02 agosto a partire dalle ore 20:00.
A 4,5 Km dal centro di Cisternino, davanti alla chiesetta di San Salvatore vi aspettano musica, panzerotti, panini, bevande e tanta bella gente! Organizzato dal Comune di Ostuni, si ringrazia la famiglia Zizzi e tutta la contrada per la collaborazione. Musiche del Gruppo Folk Citta' di Ostuni Photo @zittyzen The italian icon Piaggio Ape (very common to see in our region) has been celebrated by the artist Makoto Azuma who has covered it green and converted into a pop-up flower shop.
This beautiful setup is selling flowers at the Ginza flagship store of Italian luxury brand Fendi. ![]() "The Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series returns to Polignano a Mare After previous visits to this part of Puglia in the first two years of the World Series in 2009 and 2010, Red Bull Cliff Diving returns to Polignano a Mare in 2015. The penultimate stop in the men's series of competitions, Polignano will host the third and final event in the Women's World Series. Back in the European Mecca of cliff diving! The second-to-last stop is held in the very south of Italy, in Polignano a Mare, where cliffs are the foundation of everyday life, with the town itself perched on the precipice. Hosting the World Series for the third time after 2009 and 2010, the Italian fans will see the coronation of this year's women's champion in mid-September. Coming to Polignano a Mare means mozzarella, delicious raw fish and people of all ages fascinated by jumping into the water. An enormous crowd can be expected for the seventh stop of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in 2015. Italy probably provides the most unusual venue: the take-off spot is a private roof-top terrace and the athletes have to enter the platform 27m above the Adriatic Sea via a private living room. The house is built over the most famous cliff of the coast and looks integrated into the cliff itself. Within the international high diving scene this spot is renowned for its uniqueness. Polignano a Mare is a typical south Italian town in the province of Bari in Apulia and home to just a little more than 16,000 people. It was also the birthplace of Domenico Modugno, writer and interpreter of the world famous song "Volare" which means nothing less than "to fly"." website/article: video: when: 13th September 2015 ![]() Here below you can find the program of the Apulia Land Art Festival 2015 Edition that will be held in Ostuni from 4th to 6th September: ![]() Christmas time means be together with the family, friends but also vacation. Many people are on holiday and decide to spend time in Valle d’Itria because is their hometown, beacuse they have friends there or because they choose it as a holiday destination. And in this period of the year the Valley is as good as during summer, lots of events are popping up in the towns and here below is my personal list of the ones worth to attend. Enjoy it! #valleditriarocks From 27th to 31st December Cisternino will be invaded by the 21° Pietrechecantano Applied Music Festival (programm: ) 27th December · Foto eXistenZ: da Man Ray ad Instagram – Una conferenza sonora Galleria Orizzonti Arte Contemporanea - Piazzetta Cattedrale (centro storico) – Ostuni 16:00 [a visual excursus in the photoghraphy world] · Manufacta Christamas Edition (it’s a party/exhibition/market of vintage, bio, handicraft, theather, music) at Casa Cappellari via Orfanelli – Martina Franca [ ] 28th December · Ghironda Winter Festival (two storytellers will entertain kids and adults with songs, stories, gags and juggling in Piazza Plebiscito – Ceglie Messapica – 11:00, 18:30, 20:00) · Manufacta Christamas Edition (it’s a party/exhibition/market of vintage, bio, handicraft, theather, music) at Casa Cappellari via Orfanelli – Martina Franca [] · Omar Sosa piano solo concert – 21:00 (part of Locus Winter 2014) at Chiesa della Madonna della Greca – Locorotondo 29th December · Carolina Bubbico String Project – 21:00 (part of Locus Winter 2014) at Chiesa della Madonna della Greca – Locorotondo Exhibitions: -till 29th December: “I luoghi del Locus” instawall with instagram images of Locorotondo and Locus Festival 2014 - Vicious Store - Corso XX Settembre n. 29 – Locorotondo -till 31st December: “Guerra e Pace” (war and peace) personal exhibition of the Cisternino based russian artist Irina Hale at 110 Cavalli Mozzarella Bar [via S.Quirico, 24]– Cisternino [Part of 21° Pietrechecantano Applied Music Festival] -till 31st December: “Quel favoloso mondo di Hérouville” a cross-media exhibition with posters, LPs, vintage and cult objects of Michel Magne’s soundtracks. Torre Civica – Cisternino [Part of 21° Pietrechecantano Applied Music Festival] ![]() The Huffington Post published today an article with the 15 places to visit before they get famous and our beautiful region, Apulia (Puglia in italian), is one of them. There are several reasons to come: sea, food, sun, nature, friendly people and much much more...come and you won't regret it ;-) And of course you cannot miss the change to sleep in a trullo house, "I sette coni" is waiting for you! ![]() Domenica 4 maggio unitevi agli instagramers della Valle d'Itria per un'invasione digitale del bellissimo centro storico barocco di Martina Franca. Accompagnati da una guida esperta si potranno visitare gli interni del Palazzo Ducale per poi proseguire l'instawalk nell'affascinante centro storico di Martina. Munitevi solo di smartphone e taggate il tutto dal vostro personale punto di vista usando gli hashtag ufficiali: #invasionidigitali #instawalkmartina #igersvalleditria Programma Instawalk: - ore 10 incontro davanti al Palazzo Ducale di Martina Franca - ore 10.15 visita al Palazzo Ducale - ore 11.30 passeggiata fotografica per le vie del centro storico La partecipazione è gratuita e aperta a tutti. Non mancate!!! |